Resolve to plan together.  Wedding planning may be the first large scale project that you and your fiance tackle together.  As you plan your wedding, you are also beginning the process of building your marriage.  This involves your interactions as a couple and with your soon-to-be blended families. While it’s common for the bride to take the lead role in planning the wedding, remember that the groom likely has some ideas too.  Be sure to have him play as an active of a role as he feels comfortable with.  Don’t make large scale decisions without at least running the idea past him.  Be sure that your are presenting a united front to your families and respecting the fact that you are now a couple.
Resolve to focus on each other.  Whether it’s the well meaning mom, the one-upper friend or the must-do column, you will be bombarded with voices telling you what your wedding day should be like.  The voice that you should pay attention to is that of your fiance.  You are planning your wedding day.  Together.  Be sure to remain as a team as you work through the process.
Resolve not to assume.  Even if you think you know what your fiance would want, ask the questions.  It shows you value him or her.
Resolve to understand perfection doesn’t exist.  The best partners practice patience and give the acceptance they want in return.  This includes the little things like leaving the toilet seat up and the bigger things like parenting issues.
Resolve to communicate.   Annoyances can turn into frustrations and frustrations into resentment.  Create an environment where open communication and honest expression is respected and appreciated.  By airing their issues they are able to overcome issues and create stronger bonds.
Resolve to be giving.  In successful marriages, both spouses understand this to be fundamental.  Marriage is 60% giving and 40% taking, by both parties.